The Top 5 Physio Exercises to Fix Low Back Pain -- and How To Keep Low Back Pain Away!

Top 5 Physiotherapy Exercises To Fix Your Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a drag.  Having low back pain can keep you up at night, prevent you from getting back on the sports court, keep you home from work, and even prevent you from playing with your kids.  

Did you know that some studies show that up to 50% of adults will experience back pain this year?  In the same breath, did you know that lower back pain is the 3rd most common reason for someone to visit their family doctor?

Yikes!  Low back pain is a HUGE problem.

Fortunately, physiotherapists have been treating low back pain (with HUGE success) for many years.  Today, I am going to share with you 5 of our “GO TO” physiotherapy exercises to start fixing your lower back pain in 5 minutes or less.  


My name is Stephen Uhrbach and I am a physical therapist at MOMENTUM Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab in Okotoks Alberta. At Momentum Physio in Okotoks, our team have been treating athletes, workers, and regular people (just like yourself) for the last 8 years by helping them reduce and resolve their low back pain. Let us show you some of the things our team does to help people just like YOU!

Before we jump into the Top 5 Physiotherapy Exercises To Fix Your Low Back Pain, I wanted you to meet Lisa.

Lisa is your average Okotoks mother of 3 kids.  She works in a local retail store part time, helps coach her daughters soccer team, walks her golden retriever Vinny daily, and tries to stay fit by hitting the gym 3 times a week.

I met Lisa when she came to see us at MOMENTUM.  She injured her back three weeks prior while cleaning up after the dog in the backyard and has had a stiff and tight back ever since.  She was unable to clean her house, participate in her daughters soccer practices, or head to the gym because of low back pain.  

Low back pain was really interfering with her life.

After a physiotherapy assessment, we determined that she was dealing with a minor disc injury in her low back.  With some hands on physio and a few exercises, her pain has fully gone away and Lisa is back to her normal life.  

With physiotherapy, and the exercises that I will show you below, Lisa got her life back.  

You do not need to live with low back pain.  

Let me say that again.


Does this sound like good news to you?

Can you relate to Lisa?

Our low back (and core) is the center of our body.  If your low back gets injured, everything becomes a painful chore.  If left unchecked, this stiffness can become your “new normal” and start to hamper you in your daily life.

So, what can you do?

Fortunately, there is something that YOU can do right now to help curb these aches and pains.  Physiotherapists have been treating people just like YOU with low back pain for years.

Below you will find 5 physiotherapy exercises designed to help you reduce your lower back pain.  These physical therapy exercises are designed to target tightened and irritated joints and muscles in the low back.   They should be able to be completed in 5 minutes (or less!) and can give you the same relief that Lisa got.  Give them a go today!

Top 5 Physiotherapy Exercises To Fix Your Low Back Pain

  1. Low Back Muscle Release

The muscles of the lower back (quadratus lumborum and erector spinae) often get tight and go into a sustained spasm when you experience a bout of low back pain. This muscle release exercise can be used to help loosen the tightened muscles of the lower back. Please note, this exercise might feel a little uncomfortable, but should not be done to a point of pain.

Physio Exercise #1 - HOW TO do a low back muscle release:

  1. Grab a lacrosse or tennis ball.

  2. Place the lacrosse ball against the wall. 

  3. Lean the lower part of your back into the ball against the wall.  You are targeting the soft area beside (not directly upon) the spine, below the ribs, and above the pelvic bone.  

  4. Hold each sore spot for 15-20 seconds. 

  5. Repeat for 3 minutes per side.

2. Hip Flexor Stretch

Hip flexors get tight when we sit too much and can cause low back pain. The next physiotherapy exercise for you to complete will be to stretch these out. With this exercise, you are looking to feel a gentle stretch down the front of the hip.

Physio Exercise #2 - HOW TO do a hip flexor stretch:

  1. In a high kneeling position (kneeling on one leg with the other leg forward with the foot flat on the ground)

  2. Gently clench your buttock muscles to bring your hips forward.  

  3. Keeping your back straight, lean forward until you feel a pull down the front of the leg that has the knee on the ground.  

  4. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on each side three times.

3. Gluteal Stretch

Gluteal muscles also get tightened and shortened in response to low back pain. This physiotherapy exercise is designed to help loosen the back of hips and lower back. With this exercise, you are looking to feel a gentle stretch down the back of the buttocks.

Physio Exercise #3 - HOW TO do a gluteal stretch:

  1. Laying flat on your back.

  2. Pull your right knee up towards your chest and rotate your right foot towards your left shoulder.

  3. Pull your left knee up towards your chest by using your hands behind your left knee. 

  4. The left knee should come into contact with the outside of the right ankle.  

  5. Pull the left knee up towards your chest until you feel a gentle stretch into the right glute.  

  6. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on each side three times.

4. Cat Cow

This physiotherapy (and yoga!) exercise has been shown to loosen back muscles and lubricate the joints in the spine. This is a go to for physiotherapists who are treating people with any form of back pain.

Physio Exercise #4 - HOW TO do cat/cow stretches:

  1. From your hands and knees, start off by letting your stomach sink towards the ground while you look up towards the roof.  This is the cow position

  2. Go as far as you comfortably can and hold the end position for a count of 1.

  3. Arch your back up towards the roof while bending your neck down and looking towards your belly button.  This is the cat position.  

  4. Go as far as you comfortably can and hold the end position for a count of 1. 

  5. Repeat this 15 times. 

5. Lumbar Rocking

This physiotherapy exercise is designed to help stretch and loosen the muscles in the lower back.  This exercise should be completely pain free.  As a bonus, this physio exercise is great to do before you get out of bed in the morning!

Physio Exercise #5 - HOW TO do lumbar rocking:

  1. Lay flat on your back on a bed.

  2. Bring your heels up towards your buttocks, keep your knees pressed together, and keep your feet flat on the ground.  

  3. Gently rotate your knees as far as you can to the left.  Go as low as you can without pain in your low back.  

  4. Hold for a count of 1 second.  

  5. Gently rotate your knees as far as you can to the right.  Go as low as you can without pain in your low back. 

  6. Hold for a count of 1 second.

  7. Repeat 30x.

Let’s Get Started

These 5 physiotherapy exercises for lower back pain are designed to help people, like you, with low back pain.  Give them a try today to help reduce the pain you feel in your lower back.  

Often, low back pain also requires some hands-on work from a trained physical therapist.  Our team at MOMENTUM Physical Therapy in Okotoks are here to help you.  If your lower back pain is not going away with these five low back pain exercises, you likely need a bit of help loosening the tightened muscles and joints.  

At MOMENTUM Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab in Okotoks, we take YOUR recovery and YOUR goals very seriously. 

If you are dealing with any injury, we would be happy to evaluate your injury to decide if physiotherapy would be of benefit to your recovery.  

Call us today at 403-982-5600 to find out how our team can help you get that lower back feeling 100% again.

If you would like more information, email us and request that one of our physiotherapists call you to discuss your lower back pain in detail.  We would be happy to answer any further questions you might have.

We’re here for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Physio help lower back pain?

YES! Physical therapy that includes hands-on therapy and specific lower back exercises has been researched and shown to be extremely effective at resolving and preventing low back pain. Often physical therapy can be used to prevent the need for medications and surgeries in order to manage your lower back pain.

What can I do to relieve my lower back pain?

Lower back pain is often managed with hands-on therapy and exercise. Visiting a physical therapist, such as the team at MOMENTUM Physical Therapy in Okotoks, will help you determine what hands on therapy you need as well as the specific low back exercises that will help you resolve your lower back pain.

How do I know if my low back pain is serious?

Low back pain is serious if you are having difficulty managing your daily activities, if you lose control of your bowel or bladder, or if you lose sensation through the inner groin. If you are having difficulty managing your day to day activities, it is recommended that you visit a physical therapy clinic, like MOMENTUM Physical Therapy in Okotoks, to determine a plan for recovery for you. If you lose bowel/bladder control OR lose sensation on the inner thighs, you must immediately go to the emergency department of your nearest hospital - this is a medical emergency that needs to be seen immediately.

What are some common low back injuries?

  • Low back sprain or strain

  • Degenerative Disc Disease/Arthritis 

  • Disc Injury

  • Stenosis

  • SI Joint Injury

Momentum Physical Therapy, located in Okotoks, Alberta, is ‘Here for YOU’.

If you are experiencing lower back pain, have a back injury, or you just want to learn more about how physiotherapy help heal your pain, don’t delay and call Momentum Physical Therapy today. You can reach a registered physiotherapist at Momentum by calling 403-982-5600. We look forward to helping you feel you best again.