How Can Physiotherapy Help Me?

Can Physiotherapy Help Me?

Have you ever found yourself curled up with a hot pack on your lower back?

How about, have you found yourself laying in bed, tossing and turning, because your shoulders, hips, or legs just can't seem to get comfortable?

Or do you have a loved one who you always see reaching for the painkillers when you suggest going for a walk or jog?

If you have - YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!

My name is Stephen Uhrbach and I am a physical therapist at MOMENTUM Physical Therapy in Okotoks, Alberta. I lead a team of talented physiotherapists and massage therapists at MOMENTUM Physical Therapy in Okotoks, Alberta.  We hear stories EVERYDAY in the clinic of people living with pain that don’t know what to do.

Guess what - THERE IS HOPE!

Today, I want to go over a few things that a physiotherapist can help you (or a loved one) with to get you back to your best!  By the end of this blog I hope you’re saying, “Wow, I didn’t know that Physiotherapy could help me with this!”.

Let's jump in!

What is a physiotherapist?

A physiotherapist is a healthcare professional who specializes in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of pain and injury to the body. They play a crucial role in helping individuals recover from injuries (such as sprained ankles or back pain), surgeries (such as knee replacements or rotator cuff surgeries), or medical conditions by using a combination of hands-on therapy, specific exercises, and other pain relieving techniques such as IMS, cupping, and kinesiotaping. Physiotherapists work to improve your movement, reduce your pain, and enhance your overall quality of life. They will also educate you on injury prevention and provide guidance for maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. Physiotherapists are essential members of the healthcare team, promoting rehabilitation and wellness through their expertise in the bones, joints, muscles, and nervous system.

In Canada, physiotherapists have extensive training.  Each physiotherapist has completed at least a 4 year undergraduate university degree, and most have also obtained a 2 year Masters degree as well.  Furthermore, all Canadian physios must undergo rigorous licensing examinations and fulfil ongoing obligations to obtain and maintain their license.  All in all, physical therapists are highly trained and educated to help you with your goals.

What do physiotherapists do?

When you're dealing with pain, injury, or a movement issue, a physiotherapist is your go-to expert to help you get back on your feet and feeling your best. These healthcare professionals are like the superheroes of the medical world, working their magic to improve your physical well-being. Here's how a physiotherapist can make a real difference in your life:

1. Pain relief:

One of the primary ways physiotherapists help is by reducing and managing pain. They use a variety of techniques, such as hands-on therapy, exercises, IMS (intramuscular stimulation), and other specialized therapies, to target the source of your discomfort and reduce your pain.  Getting your pain down is always the first goal of a physical therapist.  We work with people who have acute (new) or chronic (older, longstanding) pain.

2. Post injury recovery:

If you've had an injury (such as back pain, a sprained ankle, or a sore shoulder), physiotherapists can guide you through your recovery process. We design customized treatment plans to help you get back to your normal self.  These plans will include hands-on therapy to bring healing to your injury, specific exercise programs to speed up recovery, and education so you understand what is going on.  Our goal is to restore your strength and movement so you get back to doing what you love!

3. Post surgery Recovery:

If you've had a surgery (such as a hip replacement or a rotator cuff repair), physiotherapists can guide you through your specific recovery process. We design customized treatment plans in conjunction with your surgeon to help you achieve an optimal surgical result.  These plans will include hands-on therapy to bring healing to your surgical site, specific exercise programs based on the type of surgery you had, and education so you understand what is going on.  Our goal is to help you get the best possible result out of your surgery so you get back to doing what you love!

4. Improved mobility:

Sometimes you might just feel “stiff”.  Things don’t bend or move as easily as they used to.  Whether you're having trouble walking, reaching, or bending, a physiotherapist can work with you to improve your range of motion and make everyday tasks easier.  We will work with you to get you back to doing what you love!

5. Injury Prevention:

Have you heard the expression that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?  Physical Therapists don't just fix problems; they also help you prevent them. Physiotherapists teach you how to move safely, use proper posture, build strength, and avoid injuries.  We typically talk about injury prevention with our clients AFTER they get injured, but there is lots that people can do to prevent getting injured in the first place.  Connecting with a Physical Therapist is a great way to prevent yourself (or a loved one) from getting injured in the first place.

6. Personalized Treatment Plans:

Every person is unique, and so is their condition. Physiotherapists create tailored treatment plans to address your specific needs and goals, ensuring you get the care that's right for you.  Whether you are seeking help from a specific injury, looking for ways to prevent getting injured, or are just looking for ways to get and stay healthy, a physical therapist is an excellent point of contact to make a tailored plan that meets your needs and goals!

7. Education:

Have you ever found yourself on Google researching what might be going on inside your body?  We all have!  We likely have also gone down a rabbit hole doing this and come away more confused than before we started our online searches.  Does this sound like you?  Good news - physios don't just treat; they teach. Physiotherapists educate you about your body, so you understand your condition and how to regain, maintain, and build your health.  If you are looking to get an honest understanding of what is going on inside your body, consider connecting with a physical therapist.

8. Holistic Approach:

Finally - achieving health naturally is always our primary goal.  Avoiding unnecessary medication, injections, and surgeries are our primary goals.  We consider your overall well-being, not just an isolated issue. We take into account your lifestyle, environment, and any other factors that might affect your physical health.  As a physical therapist, it is our goal to evaluate your condition and provide the best recommendations to help your body heal naturally.  If something more invasive is required (such as a medication, injection, or surgery), we will help educate you on the pros and cons of these decisions and then build a treatment plan that is rooted in your best interest. 

So, whether you're recovering from surgery, coping with pain, or trying to enhance your physical performance, a physiotherapist can be your partner in health. We are here to help you feel your best and stay that way. Don't hesitate to reach out to one when you need a helping hand in your journey to wellness.

What Are Some Common Conditions Treated Successfully By Physical Therapists?

Physical therapists are healthcare professionals who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries to the bones, muscles, joints, and ligaments. Physiotherapists are like body mechanics, dedicated to restoring function and alleviating pain in the bones, muscles, and joints. Here is a list of some of the most common conditions we treat:

1. Acute Injuries:

  • Fractures: Fractures occur when you break or chip a bone in your body.  Physiotherapists are experts in helping the muscles and joints around the joint regain strength and start moving better after the fracture heals.  We often see broken collar bones, broken arms, and broken ankles.  

  • Sprains: Sprains occur when the ligaments around a joint are stretched or torn.  We see this often in the knee (such as a MCL or ACL sprain) or the ankle (like an ATFL sprain).  Physical therapists will help you protect your healing ligament, properly regain movement around the healing ligament, and return you to your normal self.  

  • Strains: Strains occur when the muscles in the body are stretched or torn.  We see this often in the shoulder (with the rotator cuff) or the leg (like a pulled groin or hamstring).  Physical therapists will help you protect your healing muscle, properly regain movement, and return you to your normal self.

2. Arthritis:

  • Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis can hit any joint of the body.  Usually osteoarthritis occurs after an injury to a joint or after prolonged and repetitive use over the years.  We often help people with arthritis in their hips, knees, hands, and spine.  Physical therapists offer strategies to manage the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis, while working with you to improve joint mobility, strengthen, and maintain your function.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: For individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, physical therapy aids in managing pain and maintaining joint function, preventing deformities.  Although treatment for individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis is similar to treatment for Osteoarthritis, helping individuals understand how to manage their RA is of utmost importance.  

3. Post surgery Recovery:

  • Joint Replacement (Hips, Knees, Shoulder): Sometimes joints wear out and they need a surgery - we call this joint replacement surgery.  After undergoing a joint replacement surgery, physical therapists guide patients through a rehab journey in order to maximize their surgery outcome.  Treatment focuses on providing exercises and hands-on therapy to help create a smooth and successful recovery.

  • Rotator Cuff Repair: Sometimes individuals tear the muscles in their shoulder (known as the rotator cuff).  In these instances, a surgeon will manually reattach the torn rotator cuff muscle.  Physical therapists help these individuals regain the movement and strength in the shoulder following a rotator cuff repair procedure.  In this process, your physical therapist is an invaluable tool to help you successfully navigate the recovery process.

  • Knee ACL Repairs and Knee Meniscus Repairs: Injuries in the knee can feel catastrophic.  A torn ACL or torn meniscus can leave you with a locking and unstable knee.  After you undergo surgery, your physical therapist will be your guide by providing hands-on therapy, exercise, and education on how to successfully rehabilitate your knee back to full health.  

  • Back Surgery: Occasionally backs need surgery.  After undergoing your back surgery, you will need a guided plan to help reduce your stiffness, increase your movement, and then, regain your back strength.  Physical therapists are experts at guiding you through this recovery journey.  

  • Other Surgery: Surgery can occur on any part of the body.  After undergoing the surgery, a physical therapist can help you regain the movement and strength you will have lost and will help you get back to your normal life.

4. Back and Neck Pain:

  • Low Back Pain: Low back pain is one of the most common conditions we treat.  This can come from a gradual onset of arthritis, a muscle strain, weakness, or a pulled muscle.  Regardless, physical therapists are experts at helping people recover and prevent back pain.  

  • Herniated Discs: Sometimes discs (or the soft joint spacers between the bones in the back) become irritated.  Maybe you have heard the term “I slipped a disc”?  When the discs in the back get irritated, they can cause low back pain that runs down the leg. Physical therapists provide non-invasive approaches to alleviate pain and improve disc health, helping patients avoid surgery, and get back to the life they want to live.  

  • Stenosis: As we age, we start to accumulate some mild arthritis in the back and neck.  This degeneration can lead to compression of the spinal nerves, which can lead to progressive pain and numbness.  Physical therapists can teach you how to minimize the spinal compression and provide you with pain relief to keep you active and moving. 

  • Sciatica: Sciatica is a catch-all term for a number of injuries that cause pain to travel from the back down the leg.  By addressing the root causes of sciatic pain, physical therapists can relieve your discomfort and restore function.

5. Tendonitis:

Tendonitis can occur in any tendon in the body.  A tendon is like a rope that connects a muscle to a bone.  With overuse, this tendon can fray and become painful.  Physical therapists apply specific treatments to help restore the integrity of the tendon and provide healing.  Common tendonitis points on the body include:

  • Achilles Tendinitis: Pain in the back of the heel

  • Achilles Tendonitis: Pain in the back of the heel

  • Plantar Fasciitis: Pain in the bottom of the foot

  • Tennis Elbow (or lateral epicondylitis): Pain on the outside of the elbow

  • Golfers Elbow (or medial epicondylitis): Pain on the inside of the elbow

  • Patellar Tendonitis: Pain in the front of the knee

  • Pes Anserine Tendonitis: Pain along the inner border of the knee

  • Shoulder Tendonitis: Pain anywhere in the shoulder

  • Gluteal Tendonitis: Pain in the back portion of the hip

  • Hip Flexor Tendonitis: Pain in the front of the hip

6. Sport and traumatic injuries:

 Injuries occur often in sport or with trauma.  Injuries can occur due to physical contact (such as dislocating the shoulder when falling on your arm while biking) or as the result of poor body mechanics (such as tearing a knee ligament when trying to make a quick cut (or change in direction) in football).  Common injuries we see are:

  • Sprained ankles

  • Shin splints

  • Knee Ligament Tears (ACL, MCL, PCL, and LCL tears)

  • Knee Meniscus Tears

  • Hip Flexor or Groin strains

  • Low back pain

  • Rotator cuff tears

  • Shoulder dislocations

  • Wrist sprains and strains

  • Whiplash

7. Overuse Injuries:

Some injuries occur after an individual does the same activity over and over and over.  This repetitive movement (despite it being low impact in nature) can lead to the gradual breakdown or irritation of muscles, tendons, joints, or ligaments.  Some common overuse injuries that we see include:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

  • Stress Fractures

  • Elbow tendonitis

  • Tension headaches

  • IT band friction syndrome

  • Bursitis 

Some injuries occur after an individual does the same activity over and over and over.  This repetitive movement (despite it being low impact in nature) can lead to the gradual breakdown or irritation of muscles, tendons,

What can I expect at my first physiotherapy appointment?

When you come visit us at MOMENTUM Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab in Okotoks, you can expect a comprehensive and thorough evaluation to help kick-start your recovery journey.  This will include:

  1. An opportunity to meet your physical therapist to discuss your concerns and communicate how your injury or pain is impacting your life.  Getting to know you, your goals, your history, and your recovery motivation is a crucial first step of your journey.

  2. A comprehensive physical examination of the injury.  This will allow the therapist to decipher what is actually going on in your body to help make a recovery pathway.  

  3. A detailed explanation (or diagnosis) of what is going on in your body.  You will leave the first session having an answer to what is causing your pain.  Our physical therapists will teach you about what is going on!

  4. Hands-on-treatment.  Once we have determined the root cause of your pain, we will start with hands-on treatment THAT DAY to begin your recovery journey.  This may include trigger point muscle release, joint mobilizations, cupping, intramuscular stimulation (IMS), acupuncture, or kinesiotaping.  

  5. A customized exercise program.  We believe that people get better when the body knows how to heal itself.  We will give you some exercises that you can start with at home to kick start your healing process.  

  6. A detailed Plan Of Care.  We all do better when we have a roadmap - we will put together a detailed plan so you can understand what it will take to get you feeling better.

So, what’s next?

If you’re looking to get back to feeling your best, consider trying physiotherapy!

At MOMENTUM Physical Therapy in Okotoks, we treat all kinds of pain. Our talented team of physical therapists and massage therapists have helped thousands of people with a wide range of pain and injuries. Reach out to us today at 403-982-5600 or online to book your appointment today!

So, here's your call to action: connect with a MOMENTUM physiotherapist today to get those hips feeling better! You'll be on the path to recovery in no time. Book online here!

Our award-winning team here at MOMENTUM Physical Therapy- in Okotoks, is ready to help! Give us a call today at 403-982-5600 to get booked in with one of our awesome physiotherapists, massage therapists, or trainers. Or feel free to book online HERE!

We’re here for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Physiotherapist Help Me?

Yes! Physical therapists are experts in diagnosing and treating injuries pain pain.  If you have an injury or pain, seeking treatment from a physical therapist is a great place to start.

What do physical therapists do?

Physical therapists are trained to diagnose and treat injuries and pain to the body.  They use a combination of hands on therapy (such as trigger point muscle release, intramuscular stimulation (IMS), massage, and cupping with exercises to kickstart your healing process.

Do I need a doctor’s referral to see a physio?

No!  If you are experiencing pain, you can come directly to physical therapy.  Your MOMENTUM Physical Therapist will involve your medical doctor in your care, but you are able to seek help from physiotherapy directly.

Meet our Registered physiotherapists:

Meet our Kinesiologists:

Momentum Physical Therapy, located in Okotoks, Alberta, is ‘Here for YOU’.


If you are experiencing shoulder pain, have a back injury, or you just want to learn more about how massage therapy and physiotherapy can help heal your pain, don’t delay and call MOMENTUM Physical Therapy today. You can reach registered physiotherapists and massage therapists at MOMENTUM, located in Okotoks, by calling 403-982-5600. We look forward to helping you feel you best again.