Arm Numbness

Can physio help the numbness in my arm?

Numbness down the arm and into the hand is something we routinely treat in our clinic. Arm numbness can be extremely frustrating to deal with, and fortunately, physio can often help alleviate your discomfort!

Numbness down the arm is usually the result of an injury (or arthritis) in the neck, posture, an injury to a muscle in the shoulder or elbow, or compression of the nerves at the level of the wrist.

At MOMENTUM Physical Therapy in Okotoks, we treat arm numbness by first determining where your numbness is coming from. Once your physical therapist has determined the cause of your numbness, they will begin treating its root source. Treatment for arm numbness will always include hands on treatment and home exercises.

Before your first appointment, please be sure to make note of what intensifies your numbness and where in your arm you feel your discomfort - this helps us quickly map your injury and guide our treatment.

If you are dealing with arm numbness, call MOMENTUM Physical Therapy in Okotoks to find out how physiotherapy can help. 403-982-5600

Stephen Uhrbach is the clinic owner and lead physiotherapist at MOMENTUM Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab Ltd. located in Okotoks, AB.